What We Believe

We believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God.

We believe that we are all sinners in need of grace.

We believe that Jesus’ death on the cross paid the price for our sins to be forgiven.

We believe that as Christians we are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Roots and Arrows believes in one true God, who is three in one - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. This is known as the Trinity.

We believe that God existed before time began and that God created The world in six literal days and rested on the seventh.

We believe God created man in His own image, to worship and glorify Himself and to have a relationship with Him.

We believe man was created to share God's Spirit and walk in unity and right relationship with Him, but when Adam and Eve chose to sin, their Spirits (God's Spirits in them) died and they were no longer connected to Him. As soon as Adam and Eve sinned, they no longer shared God's Spirit because sin can not stand in the presence of our holy God. This wasn't what God wanted, but being omniscient, He knew that's what they would do and He was prepared with a plan for redemption. In Genesis 3:15, right after they sin, is the very first prophesy of Jesus.

We believe that Jesus is the Son of God, made manifest in human flesh.

We believe that the entire Bible is one big story, made up of lots of little stories, that tell the story of God's redemption of us.

We believe that the Old Testament is the Old Covenant God made with His people that if they would follow these requirements, He would be their God. This required animal sacrifice and bloodshed for the forgiveness of their sins, whether intentional or not.

We believe that Jesus died on the cross as the sacrifice, the required bloodshed, for our sins to be forgiven, once and for all. On the third day, He rose from the dead and the Old Covenant was destroyed and the New Covenant created. The New Covenant means that when we choose God, when we confess our sins and repent, His death on the cross makes us holy before God. God can look at us and see us as holy and righteous. We are forgiven for every sin we have ever done and ever will do. We can live in the freedom of knowing that we are new creations, loved children of God, and that we are forgiven.

We believe that God still speaks to us today and that the gifts of the Spirit are still very well alive and active.

We believe that every Christian is filled with the Holy Spirit and with the power of the Holy Spirit but we must choose to walk in that and not the flesh.