
Brooke is a wife, author, and homeschooling mom of 5, who is passionate about sharing Biblical truth. She and her husband, Jared, have created Roots and Arrows Ministries to share truth, offer connection, give encouragement, and to offer the hope of Jesus. In addition to "Free Like Eden" and social media, Brooke also leads local, weekly Bible studies, hosts a yearly women's event, (Can that be linky?) and does the occasional speaking gig. She plans to continue writing, as well as create a podcast and begin creating books, Bible studies and theological resources for the whole family. 

"In looking for theological curriculum and resources for my own kids, things that will lay the foundations it seems were skipped over when I was growing up in the church, I realized it isn't readily available. I want to make it easy for parents to teach their kids the basics and foundations of the Bible, of theology. I want parents and kids to be able to learn together and for it to be enjoyable and easily understood. The entire heart and purpose of Root and Arrows Ministries is summed up in "Truth. Connection. Encouragement. Hope." And I want that to eventually encompass the entire family." 

Raised in North Carolina, Brooke and Jared are raising their family on the same family land Brooke grew up on. 

You can connect with them here or on Roots and Arrows Social Media pages. They would love to hear from you!