The Book

Free Like Eden

Living out your freedom and identity in Christ

As Christians, we have been set free from the punishment of our sin. We are free to live as loved children of God, confident of our identity in Him; but so many times we continue to live "unfree". We often choose to live in bondage to the very things Jesus died to give us freedom from.

“Freedom is defined as “The power to do what you want to do; the ability to move or act freely. The state of not being a slave, prisoner, etc.” That is exactly what I want for you! I want you to live in full freedom and no longer be a slave to sin. I want you to know that your past is over (Isaiah 43:18), that sin has lost its power over you (Romans 6:6), and that you are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). I want you to live in the truth that God cares more about your heart than about your ability to follow rules. I want you to be set free from legalism, from the lies of Satan, and from the fears that try to rule you. I don’t want you to be held captive by those things any longer, but to live free in your identity as a Child of God. As you find freedom from those things, you will find the freedom to live as the person, and in the identity, God created you to be in the womb.”

In Free Like Eden, we go back to the Garden of Eden and look at God's original plan so we can understand how we became "unfree" in the first place. We have a very real enemy, who hates the Jesus in us and doesn't want us to claim our freedom. He will stop at nothing to keep us living bound when Jesus has already declared us free.  

I am excited for you to understand and embrace God's plan, love, grace, and power so that you can live Free Like Eden.